Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Best Home Remedies for Itchy Skin, Upset Stomach and More - 14 At-Home Remedies to Keep On Hand

As the family’s primary health expert, women don’t just kiss bruises and bandage scrapes. They’re also Dr. Mom and have to know how to soothe various medical woes. We asked the experts for 14 home remedies to keep on hand...

When it comes to home remedies, it’s a fine line between old wives' tales and real healing.

We asked doctors, naturopaths and pharmacists for their 14 best home remedies that no medicine cabinet - or kitchen - should be without.

They offered some surprising new uses for coffee, honey and more. Read on to find out how to cure what ails your family.

But remember: These won't replace a doctor's visit if a condition worsens or doesn’t improve.

1. Aloe vera gel
Remedy for: Sunburn and minor kitchen burns

“The gel contains active compounds that help the burn heal much more quickly,” says Andrew Rubman, a doctor of naturopathic medicine in Southbury, Conn.

How to use it: For the purest aloe, go for the real plant.

“Break off the end, squeeze and out comes this gel that looks like hair conditioner,” Rubman says. Put it on a burn or abrasion and you’ll be hooked on this soothing remedy.
Watch out: Aloe is generally not for internal use. Although some people swear by its laxative properties, Rubman urges caution because “aloe actually turns into a mild soap in the large intestine.”

That’s why it’s sometimes used for severe constipation, but those same properties can lead to intestinal cramping, which is why it shouldn’t be repeated too often, Rubman says.

2. Baking soda
Remedy for: Mild gastritis between meals

Baking soda has antacid properties and can neutralize heartburn.

How to use it: Stir about half a teaspoon into 4 ounces of warm water, then sip.

“You get relief often in 30-45 seconds,” Rubman says.

Watch out: If stomach problems occur more than two days in a row or three times a month, see a doctor, Rubman says. You may have a more serious ailment.

3. Witch hazel
Remedy for: External sores, pimples, aftershave treatments, poison ivy, varicose veins, eczema, mosquito bites and ingrown nails

Witch hazel’s strong antioxidant and astringent properties aid healing and reduce inflammation, Rubman says.

How to use it: First, clean the area with mild soap, rinse well and pat dry. Then apply witch hazel with a cotton ball or put it on a bandage before sealing it over the scrape or skin irritation.

Watch out: Don’t ingest it – witch hazel is a topical remedy only.

4. Raw honey
Remedy for: An upset stomach, insect bites, ulcers, burns

Honey has bacteria-killing properties, according to research. A study published in a 2008 Journal of Clinical Nursing found that treating venous ulcers (shallow skin ulcers) with honey dressings decreased their size 34%.

How to use it: For an upset stomach, mix equal parts honey and vinegar – around one teaspoon of each – and add to water or juice.

Drink it straight to relieve mild coughs and dress bandages with it to treat burns.

Watch out: Honey has spores that produce bacteria that can cause botulism (a serious form of food poisoning) in infants. That’s why children under 1 year old should never consume raw honey.

Also, some people are allergic to it, but reactions are usually mild and temporary, Rubman says.

But people with severe bee allergies can have anaphylactoid responses, characterized by tingling lips, swollen tongue and difficulty breathing. They’ll need to seek emergency help.

5. Ginger
Remedy for: Nausea and motion sickness. That includes the queasiness from chemotherapy and other treatments, says Phillip Carson, registered pharmacist and owner of Carson Natural Health in Amory, Miss.

How to use it: The best way to swallow it? In a tea, ground ginger or fresh chewable slices. It’s also available as a capsule and liquid extract.

Watch out: In low doses, it’s generally safe with few side effects, but an allergic reaction, usually topical, is the most common side effect.

See a doctor or call 911 if you have hives, difficulty breathing, your throat closes down or your lips, tongue or face swell up.

6. Cinnamon
Remedy for: Bad breath, snoring, nausea, germs

Several studies, including one in 2008 by CHU Hospital Nord in France, have found that cinnamon has antiseptic properties and can kill bacteria.

How to use it: To make a tea, mix 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder with a cup of boiling water. For bad breath, mix it with cool water and use as mouthwash.

Cinnamon can also be a hand sanitizer: Look for products containing cinnamon oil.

Watch out: The two most popular cinnamon varieties – Ceylon and Cassia – contain coumarin, which has been linked to liver and kidney damage. But you'll need to ingest a huge amount, Rubman says, so the danger is minimal.

7. Tea tree oil
Remedy for: Nail fungus, ringworm, athlete’s foot and other infections

“Tea tree oil has natural antifungal and antibacterial properties,” Carson says.

Some people believe it can relieve vaginal yeast infections, but no clinical studies support this.

How to use it: It works “very well when applied topically to the infected tissue,” he says. “I’ve also used it in a natural oil base treatment for head lice.”
Watch out: Dilute it before using: At full strength, it can irritate the skin, especially in sensitive spots (such as genitals). Carson advises mixing 50% tea tree oil and 50% olive oil.

“If the 50/50 mix causes redness or irritation, it can be further diluted,” he says.

The oil is also toxic when swallowed, the American Cancer Society cautions.

8. Mint
Remedy for: Indigestion, colic, cold and flu, bad breath

Mint comes in many varietals, many of which have medicinal properties.

Peppermint, for example, can aid digestion by relaxing the intestines, soothing spasms and increasing healthy gastric secretions, says Dr. Mao, Lifescript’s natural health specialist.

How to use it: Mint’s antispasmodic properties help relieve intestinal spasms in colicky infants. Breast-feeding is the best way to give infants the herb.

The mother should drink mint tea – diluted with 50% water – about a half-hour before nursing, says Pacific Northwest-based herbalist and nurse practitioner Gayle Eversole.

If Mom is no longer nursing, add 1 teaspoon of dried mint to a cup, fill the rest with boiling water and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain the mixture and transfer to a baby bottle.

Mint’s sharp scent and flavor can clear stuffed nasal passages.
Watch out: It’s generally safe in normal doses; for tea, that is 1/2 to two teaspoons of dried mint infused in boiling water. Allergic rashes are its most common side effect.

Also, don’t be fooled by menthol cigarettes: They’re no healthier or safer. Menthol is sometimes added to block the tobacco taste and soothe throat irritation.

9. Caffeinated coffee or tea
Remedy for: Headaches, asthma

Caffeine increases the efficacy of over-the-counter headache aids, which is why it’s often added to popular pain relievers.

Caffeinated coffee can be an emergency remedy for asthma in adults, says Phyllis D. Light, an herbalist and instructor at Clayton College of Natural Health in Birmingham, Ala., because caffeine reduces inflammation in bronchial pathways.

How to use it: “The suggested amount is about three cups,” Light says.

Watch out: Too much coffee – about five cups or more – can cause headaches, according to the 1995-1997 Nord-Trondelag Health Survey.

Also, pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid or severely limit caffeine because it has been linked to low birth weight and birth defects, according to the 2009 Journal of Women’s Health.

10. Apple cider vinegar
Remedy for: Sprains

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic lactic, citric and malic acids.

“When used externally on sprains or bruises, it acts as an astringent and draws out inflammation,” says Carolyn Dean, M.D., author of Dr. Carolyn Dean’s Natural Prescriptions for Common Ailments (McGraw-Hill).

How to use it: Soak an elastic bandage in a mixture of equal parts apple cider vinegar and water, then squeeze out the excess. Wrap it around the painful or injured joint and leave on for one hour. Repeat regularly for a few days or until the pain goes away.

Watch out: Some people experience skin irritation or mild burning when using undiluted apple cider vinegar.

11. Raw white potato
Remedy for: Conjunctivitis

Potatoes aren’t just for eating. Raw potato has astringent properties, which can dry and disinfect the oozing and tearing associated with conjunctivitis, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

How to use it: Grate the potato and wrap in cheesecloth (or another porous cloth). Put on your eye with an eyepatch or something similar and leave on overnight.

Watch out: If the condition doesn’t improve after two or three applications, see your doctor for treatment. Also, thoroughly wash and scrub the potato before using it on your eye.

12. Vitamin E oil
Remedy for: Burns

An antioxidant, vitamin E oil is a good skin lubricant and prevents the aging caused by sunburns and harsh soaps.

How to use it: “Vitamin E oil is fairly thick, so I'd suggest using it more for smaller burns, such as from cooking,” Eversole says.

Watch out: Read labels and choose a product without fragrance or other additives.

13. Coconut oil
Remedy for: Dry skin

Coconut oil has long been used in cosmetic products because its medium-chain fatty acids are easily absorbed into the skin, allowing its cells to retain more water.

A 2004 study published in the journal Dermatitis found that coconut oil is as safe and effective as mineral oil when used as a moisturizer.

How to use it: Apply a small amount with clean fingers as needed.

“A little goes a long way,” Eversole says, and applying it too heavily can clog pores.

Watch out: Generally, virgin coconut oil is safe. But many skin products and shampoos that claim to contain coconut oil actually use a hydrogenated version, which has fewer benefits. So choose a product without fragrance or other additives.

14. Clove oil
Remedy for: Toothache

Clove oil is a natural painkiller and antiseptic. Before anesthetic drugs became widely available, clove oil was commonly used by dentists and remains a popular natural remedy today, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Many pharmacies and natural food stores sell it.

How to use it: Simply dab a Q-tip in the oil and apply directly to the achy tooth.

You can also make your own clove tea solution. Add a clove or whole cloves to boiling water and steep for about 15 minutes. Then apply the liquid to the tooth with a cotton swab.

Watch out: While safe in small quantities, clove oil can be toxic if ingested in large amounts. (For example, a 132-pound woman would need to drink almost a cup.) Side effects can include vomiting, sore throat, seizure and difficulty breathing.

But consuming such quantities is highly unlikely, Rubman says.

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