Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sleep Like a Baby at Any Age

When was the last time you had a good night’s sleep? Last year – or last decade? No matter your age, many things can keep you up: kids, deadlines, work worries. Read on for the worst sleep stealers at different life stages – and how to cope with them... Once we leave childhood, satisfying sleep is often harder to come by. The average 30- to 60-year-old woman sleeps fewer than seven hours a night, says the National Sleep Foundation. Women are also more likely than men to have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. We’re simply not getting enough zzz’s, says Andrew Martin, M.D., director of the Institute for Sleep Medicine at Deborah Heart and Lung Center in Browns Mills, N.J. “[People] need about eight hours a night,” he says. Without it, our health takes a nosedive: Less sleep may increase your risk of high blood pressure, according to a 2009 study at the University of Chicago. With every hour of lost sleep, risk rose 37%. Poor sleep also increases your chance of heart disease, cancer and obesity, says Svetlana Kogan, M.D., founder of Doctors at Trump Place, a complementary medicine practice in New York City. Sleep-deprived people have suppressed immune systems, she says. That means they’re more likely to get bacterial and viral infections, and be depressed. What’s the answer? Figuring out what’s robbing your sleep at different ages, and facing each one pillow first. In Your 30s Sleep Stealer: Depression “It’s the largest cause of insomnia in women in their 30s,” says Andrew Krystal, M.D., director of the Insomnia Sleep Research Program and professor of psychiatry at Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, N.C. And women are twice as likely as men to get depressed, he says. Snooze saver: Talk to a doctor about your blues. They may prescribe antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or serotonin-norepinephrine inhibitors (SNRIs). The don’ts include napping during the day, exercising close to bedtime or turning your bed into an extra office, Krystal says. Sleep Stealer: Worry You’re fretting about your career and whether Prince Charming will show up, London says. It may seem like you always need to be “on” to get the job and man you want. “You’re out there to impress,” Kogan says. And this performance anxiety can keep you from sleeping. Snooze saver: Set good sleep habits, Martin says. “The rules are simple: Get out of bed and go to bed at the same times every day. Don’t try to make up for lost sleep. Use the bedroom for sleep and sex only.” Also, turn the face of your clock away from the bed: Seeing the minutes tick by will make it harder to drift off. Most important, keep your worries in perspective. By reasoning with yourself, you decrease anxiety, London says. “And the less anxious you are, the better you’re going to sleep.” If that doesn’t work, consider seeing a therapist to help you address the fears keeping you awake. Sleep Stealer: Overbooking You’re balancing a job, an active toddler, time with friends – and your husband. The only wiggle room may be a few hours snatched from sleep. Snooze saver: If you’re voluntarily giving up sleep, remind yourself that in the long run (heck, even the short run), skipping sleep is counterproductive. “If you’re having symptoms of sleep deprivation – daytime sleepiness, falling asleep when you don’t mean to, trouble concentrating, irritability – the only solution is to allow yourself more sleep,” Krystal says. Sleep Stealer: Pregnancy Your back hurts, you have to pee, the baby’s kicking. “As the pregnancy progresses, you have increased risk of restless leg syndrome, the feeling that you have to move your legs,” Krystal says. That can wake you up and keep you from nodding off. About 70%-80% of women in their third trimester report difficulty sleeping. Snooze saver: If an aching back is keeping you up, sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees and another one beneath your stomach to support your growing girth. If you’re experiencing restless leg syndrome, ask your doctor to check your iron levels (low iron has been linked to the condition). And reduce your fluids a couple hours before bed if you’re waking for frequent bathroom breaks. While you can’t keep a baby from kicking (after all, that’s good movement), being comfortable ups your odds of getting shuteye. Sleep Stealer: Crying newborn Get ready: For at least three months - and probably longer - your baby will wake you during the night to be fed, changed or soothed. Snooze saver: Sleep whenever your baby does, Krystal advises. “There’s a big temptation to do other things,” like showering, returning phone calls, doing laundry. Resist the urge to multi-task – you need rest. And don’t fight your fatigue by guzzling coffee; that will only keep you awake when you have the chance to sleep. In Your 40s Sleep Stealer: Perimenopause The sleep problems of your 40s are like those in your 30s, but add hot flashes and night sweats to the list. These menopause mainstays can start years before your period. “They can be enough to wake you, but you may not even be aware of being hot,” Krystal says. Snooze saver: Discuss hot flashes and night sweats with your doctor, Krystal suggests. Antidepressants like SSRIs or SNRIs can help with these issues and treat anxiety as well. Also, get more active, Kogan says. Exercise deepens sleep and reduces the time it takes to start snoozing. Work out at least 20 minutes a day, five days a week, but not close to bedtime; exercise raises your core temperature, which can keep you up. In Your 50s and Beyond Sleep Stealer: Menopause In this decade, night sweats and hot flashes are impossible to ignore. In some women, menopausal symptoms trigger poor sleeping patterns that can continue even when those other issues have disappeared, Krystal says. Your body clock gets used to the new, sleep-deficient routine. Snooze saver: Antidepressants like SSRIs and SNRIs can help quell menopause symptoms too, Krystal says. For a natural remedy, try black cohosh supplements, such as Remifemin, says Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale University School of Medicine. “It helps with sleep and night sweats.” Don’t want to take pills? Avoid obvious insomnia triggers, like caffeine, and adopt healthy sleeping habits, such as going to bed at the same time every night. Keep up workouts as well, particularly in the morning. A 2003 study at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle found that postmenopausal women who exercised 30 minutes every morning had an easier time falling asleep than less-active women. Sleep Stealer: Retirement “Retired people start sleeping late or napping during the day, and then they have poor sleep at night,” Krystal says. Then throw in increasing health issues like arthritis and the aches and pains that aging brings. Snooze saver: Despite rumors to the contrary, getting older shouldn’t mean that sleep must suffer. “The more you eliminate sleep apnea and other sleep problems, the fewer disturbances you see in older people,” Krystal says. Resist the temptation to nap in your newfound free time. Sure, you’ve earned it after a lifetime of work – but you’ll pay the price at night. Also, you don’t need to put up with pain, Krystal says. Talk to your doctor about medication to keep nighttime discomfort at bay. Sleep Stealer: Sleep apnea This sleep disorder causes breathing pauses during sleep, usually from a blocked airway. It's more likely to occur when women pass menopause. (Researchers aren’t sure if the drop in estrogen hormone is to blame or if throat muscles relax at this age.) Sleep apnea is often accompanied by loud snoring, frequent waking, daytime sleepiness and high blood pressure. It's exacerbated by excess weight and smoking (which can also obstruct airways). Snooze saver: Ask your partner if you’re snoring and struggling for breath as you sleep. If you are, see a doctor, Krystal says. To be diagnosed, you may have to go to a sleep laboratory, where technicians will study your sleep patterns. “The treatment is a CPAP [continuous positive airway pressure], a device [with a mask you wear] that blows air through your nose as you sleep,” Krystal says. Sometimes surgery is recommended if excess tissue is blocking the airway or if a patient can’t get used to the CPAP. Health writer Dorothy Foltz-Gray is a frequent contributor to Lifescript. Are You Smart About Sleep? Getting a good night's sleep affects every aspect of your day, including your mood and your ability to be productive. And if that doesn't get your attention, listen up: Your sleep habits can even affect the number on the scale. Find out if you're smart about sleep, or if you need to be schooled by the Sandman.

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