Saturday, June 18, 2011

Killer coworkers

Here's one more reason to hate your job: Your coworkers might be killing you, and I mean that literally.

They're not booby-trapping the halls or stalking you with a knife -- but colleagues who don't like you could be boosting the odds of an early death just the same, according to a new study.

Israeli researchers examined data on 820 healthy workers who were tracked for 20 years after filling out surveys on their work conditions.

Over those two decades, 53 died -- and the researchers say those with high levels of social support at work, including friendly and helpful coworkers, were less likely to be among them.

Those who worked in proverbial snakepits, on the other hand, were more likely to drop dead -- especially if they were between the ages of 38 and 43, according to the study in Health Psychology.

Here's what's really interesting: Those risks only came from lousy or unsupportive coworkers. Having a crummy boss -- or even a great one -– didn't make a bit of a difference.

But I'd strongly recommend being on civil terms with yours just the same, especially if your boss is a woman -- because according to the same new study, she may not have much longer left.

Women who had higher levels of control and decision-making authority were actually more likely to die... while men who seize the managerial reins actually lived longer -- showing that at least one form of sexism in the workplace may still exist after all.

Of course, except for that higher death risk among female supervisors, there's not a lot in this study that's surprising.

Too much stress is no good for you no matter where it comes from -- and there's nothing more stressful than sitting in a room full of people who either don't like your or are completely indifferent to you for eight hours a day or more.

And if that's your situation, find a new job -- if it doesn't save your life, it might at least save your sanity.

On a mission for your health,
Ed Martin
Editor, House Calls

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