Sunday, December 25, 2011

Holiday Stress? 8 Ways to Manage Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis - Natural Tips to Relieve Joint Pain and Stiffness

Loved ones and party invitations are calling, and those presents won't wrap themselves. Worried that swollen and painful joints will put the kibosh on your holiday cheer? They don't have to with these doctor-recommended tips...

For most women, the holidays mean traveling, cooking and shopping 'til you drop.

But if you have rheumatoid arthritis, the season's excesses may also bring on painful flares.

Exhaustion and overdoing it can trigger debilitating symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis – swelling, joint pain and stiffness.

To keep this chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease in check during the go-go-go activities of the holidays, experts recommend pacing yourself.

“You want to have fun but [not] overdo it,” advises Vivian Bykerk, M.D. and board-certified rheumatologist with the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.

“Try to do everything in moderation.”

To prevent this autoimmune disease from being the Grinch in your holidays, try these 8 doctor-recommended tips.

1. Get enough rest
If you're spending your days running around and nights squeezing in yet more holiday preparations, slow down.

Too little rest can worsen symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis by contributing to pain sensitivity, according to a 2011 study from the University of Pittsburgh.
To make sure you get enough sleep – that's 7-8 hours for most people – try these natural sleep tips recommended by rheumatologists:

Take a warm bath before bedtime to relax joints and muscles

Drink warm milk. Studies of tryptophan (a sleep aid found in dairy) indicate it affects the first phase of slumber, when you’re just drifting off. Plus, doctors say the psychological associations we have with milk, much like a comforting old teddy bear, actually help us fall sleep faster.

Visualize a pleasant scene to keep your mind off pain and stiffness

Also, take it easy. You're more likely to sleep better if you avoid overtaxing your body during the day, especially your joints, says Alan Lazaar, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon in South Florida.

“Watch out for overactivity [that pushes] past the point of your joints' [ability to] tolerate stress,” he says. “Think easy does it, whether you're deciding how much to cook, eat or drink.”

2. Pace yourself
Stress may trigger flares, so don't wait until the last minute to do holiday chores, suggests Bykerk. Do them ahead of time and a little each day, not in a marathon session.

“Instead of staying up late one night wrapping presents for six hours, wrap gifts for 20 minutes each night over a week or two,” Bykerk suggests.

If work or family obligations make it unrealistic to get started early, space out activities and take frequent breaks. Eliminating items or delegating tasks on your to-do list also helps, she says.

“You may be doing things you don't truly need to do,” she says.

3. Make travel easier
Traveling – sitting in cramped airline seats, hauling luggage and sleeping in strange beds – can do a number on painful, swollen joints.

But that doesn't mean you have to stay home.

To make it easier, invest in joint-friendly accessories, advises Nathan Wei, M.D., a board-certified rheumatologist with more than 30 years of practice and clinical research experience. For example:

Use wheeled luggage with large grips

Pack light

Buy neck or lumbar pillows

Use a handbag with a padded strap that crosses your chest and shoulder to distribute weight, as well as Velcro closures, which can be easier to open than zippers.
Also, “wear comfortable clothing and shoes,” Wei says. If you have trouble walking, "call ahead for a wheelchair or porter.”

Traveling by car, train or plane?

Avoid staying in one position too long because it can increase stiffness and aggravate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

“Get up and get moving,” says Joseph Jimenez, M.D., a cofounder of Performance Spine & Sports Medicine in Lawrenceville, N.J., and a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Take breaks every 45 minutes to stretch and, if possible, walk around to loosen muscles.

Remember to pack medications in your carry-on luggage. (Pack an extra 3-4-day supply in case your return trip is delayed.)

Unless you have severe RA, you don't need to limit travel, Lazaar advises.

That's because “missing out on the holidays can cause anxiety and depression,” he says. “When people feel upset, their symptoms worsen.”

But sometimes “it's better to stay put and have relatives travel to you if you have exacerbating episodes over the holidays,” Jimenez says. “It can be more convenient to manage acute pain at home.”

4. Simplify cooking
Cookies to bake, holiday dinners to make… even with rheumatoid arthritis you don't have to miss out on the kitchen fun. In fact, cooking can be therapeutic for people with rheumatoid arthritis, Lazaar says.

"If you don't stress your joints, it's good to keep them moving,” he says.

But avoid activities that aggravate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, such as lifting heavy pots or standing on your feet too long without a break.

“People know what they can do with their bodies,” he says. “If they go beyond that, they pay big.”

If you opt to cook and indulge in repetitive motor movements, such as kneading dough for baking or chopping vegetables, sleep with wrist splints to rest hands overnight, Jimenez suggests.

Also, take shortcuts, says Bykerk.

For slicing veggies, try an ergonomic fork knife (from It has an upright handle, making it easier to grip. To peel, a hand-propelled apple peeler from Back to Basics is another handy tool.

“If you don't feel up to cooking [for the holiday potluck], bring wine,” she says. “Pick up a tip from busy working moms: Buy brownies at the store and sprinkle them with confectioners' sugar so they look homemade.”

(For more RA in the kitchen tips, read Healthy Cooking with Rheumatoid Arthritis.)

5. Limit trigger foods
The holidays are full of temptations and offer a great excuse to set aside healthy eating habits.

After all, what's the harm in an extra cookie or glass of wine?

Unfortunately, people with rheumatoid arthritis who make poor food choices can find themselves in a world of hurt the next day.

Cut down on sugary and processed treats (including cookies), fast foods, eggnog and other edibles high in omega-6 fatty acids because they can promote inflammation, Jimenez advises.

It's best to go for healthy fats, foods high in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, such as lean meats and fish, he says.

Another tip: Take 20 grams of fiber and 2,000 units of vitamin D3 supplements daily to control inflammation, he says.

Jimenez prefers fiber supplements that dissolve in water because soluble fiber can lower glucose levels.

6. Make time to exercise
With aching, swollen joints, the last thing you want to do is exercise. Still, put it at the top of your to-do list.

Moving painful joints will actually ease the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, according to a 2007 University of Kansas study that found a low-impact exercise program improves stamina and grip and decreased pain and stiffness in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Exercises that target painful body parts are especially helpful, Jimenez says.

For example, if your hands are affected by RA, do gripping exercises to help lubricate joints, he advises.

He suggests this exercise: Imagine you're squeezing a softball, then spread your fingers and hold them in this position for a few seconds.

But “don't do these exercises while you have acute pain,” he says. “Wait until the pain is gone.”

Also, try paraffin wax dips, which can temporarily relieve debilitating hand and wrist pain. (They cost from $27-$150 online.)

“Warm wax dips three times a week can be especially effective in cold weather,” he says.

For pain and stiffness in hip and knee joints, do stretching, swimming and walking.

(For workouts to relieve RA pain and stiffness, read How to Exercise with Rheumatoid Arthritis.)

7. Learn to relax
"Holidays aren't supposed to be pure work," Bykerk says. "Make sure they're fun and relaxing too.”

Counter stress with massage therapy, which also can help manage pain and other symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
Regular massage by a licensed therapist, yourself or a partner can improve arthritis pain, according to 2006 research led by Tiffany Field, Ph.D., director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine. The study found it reduced pain and stiffness and increased range of motion, hand grip strength and overall joint functioning.

And carve out some relaxing me-time.

“Get your hair done," Bykerk recommends. "Take a walk. See a movie."

8. Ask for help caring for children
Young children make holidays joyous, but keeping up with them can also leave you exhausted with aching joints, Bykerk says.

“If you have small kids, remember that you can't do it all,” Lazaar says. “Sometimes we go over the top when we have kids,” she says.

Enlist help from family and friends, she advises, and set some limits, for example:

Don't lift kids as often on the most activity-packed days to conserve energy.

Order gifts online to avoid the hassle of shopping in stores and the strain of carrying heavy packages.

“Your children might be just as happy with fewer presents,” she says, “and more time spent relaxing and enjoying special time with you.”

For more information, visit our Rheumatoid Arthritis Health Center.
How Much Do You Know About the Types of Arthritis?
About 46 million American adults – nearly one in five – suffer from some type of arthritis. It’s estimated that number will rise to 67 million by 2030. Do you or someone close to you have arthritis?

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