Monday, January 30, 2012

PSA Test Questionable

For many years, the mainstay of prostate cancer diagnosis has been the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test, which measures the levels of a protein produced by the cells of the prostate gland. However, newer studies have shown the PSA test is not as accurate as originally assumed.

In fact, a number of benign conditions, such as prostate inflammation, can cause elevated levels of PSA. Even so, an elevated PSA is an important indicator of problems, current or future, as one of the main causes of all cancers is chronic inflammation. (For a detailed discussion on inflammation and its role in many diseases, see my newsletter "Inflammation: The Real Cause of Most Diseases.")

When diagnosing prostate cancer, newer guidelines give more weight to a progressively increasing PSA as a marker of cancer, rather than a static high level. It has also been found that PSA is more than just an indicator of prostate trouble — what was formerly believed to be merely an indicator has been revealed to be a cause of cancer growth and spread. (For information on fighting cancer, read my special report "Prevent Cancer Before It's Too Late.'')

The main way to lower your PSA is to add some specific supplements that are known to reduce prostate inflammation. They include:

• Saw palmetto

• Pumpkin seed extract

• Beta-sitosterol

• Quercetin

• Nettle extract

If you have an elevated PSA, it is important to have your prostate examined. A transrectal ultrasound is highly accurate and relatively painless. Hopefully, you’ll rule out prostate cancer and you can proceed with a supplement and diet program. In my experience, these supplements effectively lower PSA levels in most men.

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