Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Could Your Guy Have Male Health Problems? A Women’s Guide to Healthy Men

Strong guys don’t go to the doctor – or that’s what many believe. But that attitude means small male health problems can turn into full-blown emergencies. Before you’re left to deal with a crisis, here’s how to get your guy to man up to his health needs... Why is it an uphill battle to get men to address their male health issues and seek medical help? They often won’t go to the doctor because they believe they’re the “stronger sex” and are invulnerable to health risks like cancer, explains San Francisco psychologist Will Courtenay, Ph.D., author of Dying to be Men (Routledge). Other reasons include: They don’t believe medical attention contributes to good health. They think other men aren’t concerned with their health, so why should they be? They prefer to put out health fires, rather than prevent them. “Men shy away from going to a doctor unless it’s an emergency or he’s in severe pain,” explains urologist Mahmood Hai, M.D., who practices at Affiliates in Urology in Westland, Mich. So what’s a woman to do to keep her guy healthy? Educate him, Courtenay advises. But don’t nag him – that just backfires. “Men resist if you preach and pressure,” he says. Instead, get your man to “think about changing his diet or wearing sunscreen, which doubles the chance he’ll change his behavior,” Courtenay adds. “Use low-pressure, high-information techniques.” For example, leave articles around for him to read and subscribe to a men’s health magazine. The next step is to educate yourself about issues men often ignore. Here are the top male health problems to watch for, and steps you can take to help him deal with them. Male health problem #1: Heart disease Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among American men, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Heart disease killed 26% of men who died in 2006. What to watch for: According to the American Heart Association, get medical help if your man has these signs and symptoms: Chest pain from “acute coronary syndrome,” a condition brought on by sudden reduced blood flow to the heart. Discomfort in the center of the chest – uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain – that lasts more than a few minutes, or that comes and goes. This signals a heart attack. Signs of stroke, including sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body; confusion; trouble speaking; trouble seeing in one or both eyes; trouble walking; dizziness; or a sudden severe headache. Sudden loss of responsiveness and lack of normal breathing are warnings of cardiac arrest. Healthy men tips: First, determine if it’s an emergency. If a man shows symptoms of a heart attack, stroke or cardiac arrest, call 9-1-1 immediately. Sometimes heart attacks start with mild pain. If so, get him to a doctor or hospital quickly. A fast reaction could mean the difference between life and death. If time isn’t critical, take these steps: If your man is overweight, loses his breath with mild exertion, refuses to exercise and generally ignores his health, then “tell your husband the doctor hasn’t seen him in a while and would like him to visit,” advises internist H. Lee Kagan, M.D., associate clinical professor at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles. Encourage him to get annual physical exams if he’s 40 or older. “That’s when we start to see disorders that may affect their overall health,” Kagan explains. Male health problem #2: Hypertension (high blood pressure) This is a top men’s health issue: About 50% of men ages 55 to 64 are hypertensive, according to the CDC. Hypertension occurs when the force of the blood against the artery walls is too high, eventually causing heart disease and kidney problems. If left uncontrolled, it can lead to a heart attack or stroke. What to watch for: Some severe hypertension symptoms include: Bad headaches Nausea or vomiting Dizzy spells Confusion Nosebleeds Healthy men tips: After age 40, men should see a physician annually for blood-pressure checks and other men’s health issues, says Kagan. If you prepare most of the meals in your house, serve heart-healthy foods that are low in saturated fat, high in fiber and low in sodium, as well as lots of fruits and vegetables. Encourage him to think about his exercise and eating behavior, Courtenay says. “Frame it this way: ‘When people lose weight or change eating habits, they feel more productive and have more energy.’” Ask your partner to exercise with you, making it a couple’s activity. He might find it more fun than just walking the dog. Here are 6 exercises for couples. Male health problem #3: Prostate trouble About 2 million outpatient visits in the U.S. are due to prostatitis, an inflamed or irritated prostate gland, according to the National Institutes of Health. What to watch for: The frequent urge to urinate and inability to empty the bladder are among the most common prostate-problem symptoms, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, a federal research organization. Other symptoms include: A burning sensation and frequent urination in men under 50 may be prostatitis, an inflamed or irritated prostate gland. In men over 50, BHP (benign prostatic hypertrophy, or an enlarged prostate) causes difficulty starting to urinate and produces small amounts of urine. Untreated, BPH may cause kidney damage. A weak or interrupted flow of urine, difficulty having an erection, painful ejaculation, blood in the urine or semen and pain or stiffness in the lower back and hips may mean prostate cancer, according to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, which funds and accelerates prostate cancer research. About 1 in 6 American men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point, according to the American Cancer Society. “If prostate cancer spreads to the bones, lungs and other organs, it’s probably too late [to cure],” Hai warns. Healthy men tips: Early detection and treatment often result in a cure. So don’t be afraid to talk about this touchy subject. If your man has urinary-tract symptoms but refuses to see a primary-care physician, suggest that he discuss them by phone with his doctor, Courtenay says. “He can ask the doctor some questions at first,” he adds. If a primary-care physician believes your partner should be seen by a specialist, that doctor can better persuade your mate to make an appointment, Courtenay says. Other tips: Men at age 45 should get annual screening tests with an urologist, a specialist in diseases of the urinary tract, kidneys and male reproductive organs, Hai says. Encourage him to avoid fatty foods and red meat, he says. “Obesity and high cholesterol are related to prostate cancer,” Hai adds. Take your guy shopping for athletic shoes and then work out moderately for 30 minutes, five times weekly – together. (That’s exercise outside of your bed!) Male health problem #4: Melanoma Although men often believe skin problems are “women’s issues,” most people diagnosed with melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, are white men over age 50, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, an educational organization. “If it spreads, you die,” says dermatologist Alex Khadavi, M.D., associate professor of dermatology at USC’s Keck School of Medicine. What to watch for: The red flags of melanoma include: A change in an existing mole. The development of a new, unusual-looking growth on your skin. Moles with an asymmetrical shape, irregular borders, multi-colors, and moles larger than one-quarter inch or that change over time. They may itch, bleed or ooze. Healthy men tips: Men are far less likely than women to wear sunscreen or protective clothing, dermatologists say. So slather your guy with a high sun protection factor (SPF) – 30 or higher, according to the University of Iowa – at least 15 minutes before he goes outdoors. Other tips: If he spends a lot of time in the sun, buy him a cool-looking hat – not a baseball cap, because he needs a broad brim to shade his entire head – and clothing that covers his arms and legs. Check out his body monthly (who can resist that?). Visually scan his skin from top to bottom, including his scalp, face, neck and ears, the spaces between toes and bottoms of his feet. If you see any changes to moles, or new ones, have him get checked out immediately. “You don’t want to die from a mole,” Khadavi says. “Get it taken care of early.” Male health problem #5: Diabetes If your man is overweight and prefers TV-watching to hiking and biking, he may be at risk for type 2 diabetes. That’s the most common form of the disease, in which the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or resists the insulin, a hormone necessary for the body to use glucose for energy. “Diabetes… is made worse if they’re overweight,” Kagan says. “If I label [being] overweight as an illness, they listen.” In type 1 diabetes, the body doesn’t produce insulin. The condition is usually inherited from parents and is diagnosed in children and young adults. About 13 million U.S. men have diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association. What to watch for: Diabetes symptoms inlcude: Type 1: Frequent urination, unusual thirst, extreme hunger, unusual weight loss, fatigue. Type 2: Any type 1 symptoms, plus frequent infections, blurred vision, slow-healing cuts and bruises, tingling/numbness in the hands or feet, recurring skin, gum or bladder infections. Some people have no symptoms. Higher-than-normal blood glucose levels (100-125 mg/dl after an overnight or 8-hour fast) signal prediabetes. Healthy men tips: Serve your guy a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products and meats. But don’t supersize his portions: A man who is 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weighs 175 pounds should eat no more than 2,229 calories per day, according to the Calorie Control Council, an educational organization. Other tips: Join him for daily walks. Exercise helps prevent type 2 diabetes, Kagan says. Know your mate’s family health history and remind him that he may be at risk. Genetics and learned poor eating habits play a big role in type 2 diabetes, experts say. Gently suggest that your man see a doctor. Once he gets there, let the doctor take over. Male health problem #6: Depression Depression in men can be more severe than in women and often goes undiagnosed, according to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. “Unfortunately, men believe they don’t get depressed, so they hide it or talk themselves out of it,” Courtenay says. “They withdraw, which compounds the problem.” What to watch for: If your guy is irritable, isolated, overdrinking and working too much, he may be suffering from depression – with feelings of severe despondency, hopelessness and inadequacy. “With men, it comes out as anger, overworking and gambling,” Courtenay explains. Other signs of male depression include: Over-engaging in sports. Risky behavior, like reckless driving. Infidelity or unhealthy sexual relationships. Healthy men tips: Without help, depression may worsen. So encourage your man to talk to his physician about his feelings. Medications and psychotherapy often help depression. Also, ask him to exercise with you, go to the movies or do other activities that bring him pleasure. For more information, read about how to talk to a depressed mate. Myth vs. Fact: How Much Do You Know About Heart Health? Sure, you know that your heart is the vital organ that pumps blood throughout the body.

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