Friday, May 27, 2011

Health & Fitness Tip - Give Yourself A Star

Every time you exercise, whether you go for a run, a hike with a friend, or hit the gym, mark that day with a little star in your calendar. It'll give you a quick overview of how often you've been working out that month so far. It'll also serve as a visual reminder of how long it's been since you last worked out. If stars don't do it for you, then draw a big X, smiley face, heart, or a little flower. You can even use different shapes or colors to show what kind of activity you did each day. It's definitely a great feeling when you can look back in your calendar and see all those days marked off. For even more motivation, reward yourself every time you get 20 stars.

Experiment With Equipment

The gym can get painfully boring when you constantly follow the same routine each day. Mix it up by trying one new piece of equipment each week. There's a huge variety of cardio machines and weight-lifting equipment, so choose a day each week to do something new. Once you've tried everything out at least once, you'll feel more comfortable alternating them into your routines. Not only is variety the spice of life, but doing the same thing over again can cause repetitive stress injuries. You'll also only work certain muscle groups doing the same workout, so by using different equipment, you'll end up targeting more parts of your body, becoming stronger and burning more calories.

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