Monday, August 29, 2011

The Dangers of Protein: Fact or Fiction?

Is protein dangerous? There’s a lot of debate on the topic. In the last few years, studies have reported that high-protein diets are "hard on the kidneys" or cause osteoporosis. Let’s take a look at both claims:

1. High-protein intake causes renal (kidney and liver) dysfunction. This argument is based on research conducted on subjects who already had some sort of preexisting renal disorder, with absolutely no data showing this to be the case with healthy individuals. Think about it: If high-protein intake really caused renal failure, there would be a nationwide epidemic among athletes, weight lifters and high-protein dieters. No outbreak has yet occurred.

2. High-protein intake leeches calcium from bones and causes osteoporosis. The amount of calcium excreted as a result of high-protein intake is incredibly small – a single glass of milk per week could replenish the calcium loss several times over. Considering that milk, cottage cheese and other dairy products are staples to any high-protein diet, a lack of calcium won’t be a problem! Basically, the link between a high-protein diet and bone loss is an overblown issue.

The idea that a diet rich in protein is dangerous for normal, healthy people is one that has been enormously exaggerated. Don’t believe everything you read or hear!

To your body transformation success,
Joel Marion

To learn more about Joel’s Body Transformation Coaching Program or to download a free copy of his rapid fat-loss report visit

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