Sunday, October 30, 2011


Old Man Winter is on his way, bringing with him viruses and colds. In addition to being a sign that Halloween is near, jack-o'-lanterns also indicate that flu season is imminent, along with the usual frantic warnings from the health community to get a flu shot.

Regular readers of my newsletter know I am opposed to the flu vaccine. Much of the hype concerning the flu is nothing but scare tactics by those who benefit from selling flu vaccines and those receiving money from vaccine manufacturers.

I believe the vaccine itself is dangerous. Many people suffer complications from it, and some are left permanently paralyzed and neurologically damaged. One recent study found that people over the age of 55 who receive the flu vaccine every year for five years in a row increase their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease 10-fold, in part due to two powerful brain toxins in the vaccine. My report "Vaccines and Brain Injuries — Are You At Risk?"will give you more information on the dangers of vaccines.

Fortunately, there are ways to fight colds and viruses, including the flu, that get results. These include simple precautions, such as avoiding crowds and washing your hands. Viruses are commonly spread by touching contaminated objects — like doorknobs, phones, and shared computer keyboards — as well as from shaking hands. The key is to have all members of the family wash their hands frequently.

Children are primary carriers of viruses. In addition to making sure they wash their hands as they emerge from the bathroom and before handling food, wipe their toys often with a safe cleaner. Studies have shown that children’s toys, especially child walkers, are a source of some of the nastiest germs. Since babies often put toys in their mouths, they can be a frequent cause of middle-ear infections.

In addition, a good way to prevent viruses or reduce their impact is to supplement your diet with a well-balanced multivitamin/mineral capsule. Studies have shown that a deficiency of even a single vitamin, such as vitamin C, or a single mineral, such as selenium, can dramatically impair the immune system. And recent studies have indicated that many Americans aren’t getting enough vitamin D in their diets, especially in winter. To learn more about vitamin D-3, read my special report "Vitamin D's Hidden Role in Your Health."

Additional nutrients can boost the immune system and help it fight off winter germs. For a complete list, read my special report "Winter Health Worries."

Dr. Blaylock’s

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