Sunday, November 20, 2011

Supplements Conquer Insomnia

Sleep is a growing problem in the United States, but the answer isn't to take the latest offering from the pharmaceutical companies, which may have side effects including dependence, memory lapses, and sleepwalking. There are natural solutions which not only induce sleep, but also provide nutrients that are actually good for you. See my report "Good Sleep: Stop Insomnia, Reduce Stress, Boost Your Total Health" for additional information on how to get a good night's sleep.

About 30 minutes before bedtime, take vitamin C, magnesium, and melatonin. All will help induce sleep. If you still find yourself staring at the ceiling, try these natural sleep aids:

• Calmative teas. Chamomile, valerian root, passionflower, and catnip all calm and sooth the nerves. For those who have to get up in the night to urinate, I suggest avoiding the teas.

• Flavonoids. Many flavonoids are anxiolytic, meaning they calm anxiety. The most useful are hesperidin and quercetin. As a bonus, they also reduce inflammation.

• Omega-3. Take your fish oils one hour before bedtime. Omega-3 fatty acids suppress the cytokines that disturb sleep. "Omega 3: Nature’s Miracle Panacea" explains how omega-3 oils lower your risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

• Rhodiola. Also known as Golden root or Artic root, it reduces stress and suppresses excess catecholamine excretion from the adrenal glands. Catecholamine is a hormone that can cause us to feel jittery and anxious.

• Melatonin. This natural substance, one of the brain’s most protective antioxidants, is secreted from the pineal gland as you prepare for sleep. It should not be taken unless you have difficulty sleeping. Most melatonin is short acting, so morning fatigue is not a problem.

• Chinese Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis). This herb contains some powerful anti-inflammatory flavonoids that have been shown to protect the brain and calm anxiety. It will calm the nervous system, make you slightly drowsy, and will allow you to fall asleep quickly. Most people feel well-rested the following morning. It has a long safety record and is backed up by extensive research.

• Theanine. Theanine is an amino acid extracted from green tea, and it has been found to induce restful sleep in most people. It is safe and effective and does not cause morning hangover. In fact, most report waking up refreshed and clearheaded. Studies have shown that it also reduces excitotoxicity. To learn about the many ways green tea can improve your health, read my report "Miracle Tea."

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