Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Hi, today I need to voice my opinion on the topic of eBay… I am sorry to say, why I feel this way, but here goes, I do a lot of buying on eBay and some selling of my own items. I have been doing this for over ten years. I have seen the best of eBay come and go. It used to be wonderful. It also used to have their customer service and help lines in the USA. Now they send their help overseas, and the service is HORRID!! I waited on the phone for over an hour and a half yesterday and I waited over two and a half hours on the phone today and could not get any help for my problems what so ever!! I am pissed off at eBay for taking our jobs away from the USA and sending them overseas!! the customer service was wonderful when it was in the USA and now it is HORRID!! I can’t tell you how bad it is, I have never had worse customer service in my life!!

I do remember seeing commercials on T.V. for Meg Whitman, stating “I want to bring jobs back to Calf “. I am angry at her because she took our jobs from eBay and sent them out of Calif., and sent them overseas and I feel she is being a hypocrite, saying this. I will not be voting for Meg Whitman for Governor of Calif., I am sorry to say this but after what has happened on eBay, this is the reason. I am voicing my opinion. I feel she can start at eBay and bring our jobs back home and give the company great customer service again!! I have heard many people overseas on the phone and they are all in the background, while I am waiting to get help, playing around and laughing and not working. This is one of the reason’s I have been on hold for over two hours waiting for help. Because these people get paid and don’t do their jobs!! Their playing around all day and getting paid for it and our people here at home are unemployed thanks to them. This is so frustrating when you need to get help and can’t. I’m losing money on my accounts because they won’t hire our WONDEFUL People in the USA to do the right job. Instead I can’t get help for what I need and am losing money! I can’t tell you how frustrated these people can make you when they won’t help you get anything done. They don’t care about us; they laugh at us and make fun of us. I have heard them do this, It is ludicrous!!

I am wondering if anyone else has gone thru the same type of HORRID hell themselves?? I would like to hear from you. If you have had any bad experiences, I was hoping we can get together and try to do something to stop this. There is power in numbers and we can make a difference. Please contact me if you have had your own problems on eBay. My email address is; HereForYou@sbcglobal.net , I would love to hear from you and I would be Grateful for your time and care regarding this situation. Thank You and take great care and have a Beautiful day!!

Best Regards, Cat

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