Sunday, April 18, 2010

3 Ways to Stop Obsessing over Calories

It can be tricky and time consuming to calculate how many calories are on a dinner plate, but how else can you be sure you're not going over the top with the amount of calories you're eating?

Registered dietitian Dawn Jackson Blatner has another idea: Use the 25-25-50 rule. Here's what you do:

1. Fill 25 percent of your plate with lean protein, like chicken, turkey or beans.

2. Use 25 percent of your plate for whole grain pastas, brown rice or a baked potato.

3. Set aside 50 percent of your plate for vegetables. Not only are veggies high in vitamins, but they're also nutrient dense, meaning they give you lots of nutrients with a small amount of calories.

No calorie counting, but plenty of delicious food for eating!

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