Illegal immigration is costing Arizona $1.6 billion a year – a staggering 19 percent of the state’s total budget – Gov. Jan Brewer claimed in an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, adding that the Obama administration is turning a blind eye to it since migrants will help Obama register more Democratic voters.
Successful efforts in California and Texas to close off the border are funneling aliens through her state, Brewer said, while the federal government sits by and watches.
And she claimed the Obama administration does nothing to stop the influx because the more illegal immigrants there are in the country, the more votes the Democrats will get.
“We are fed up,” said Brewer, whose new book, "Scorpions for Breakfast," was released today. “We are of course assuming all the responsibility and all the cost of the incarceration, the education and the healthcare for the illegals that come across the border and into our state.
“Unfortunately we keep asking the Feds to do their share and they just simply won’t do that."
The Tucson sector of the Mexican border has become the “gateway” for illegal immigration into the United States, Brewer said. “Along with that, of course, comes the drug cartel and all the criminal elements that we have to deal with and pay for,” she said.
“It is our fight with the federal government. Secure our borders.”
Brewer claimed that roughly 2 million people have come to the United States illegally by passing through the Arizona border in the past two years, with only an estimated one-in-four being caught.
One of the problems is the 75-mile border within the Tohono O'odham Indian reservation gives immigrants “a pretty free rein of coming across and hitting our highways and heading either west, north or east. The tribe has members on both sides of the border and has long had a saying that they do not cross the border, the border crosses them," Brewer said
Tthe border within the reservation is “like an open trail” for aliens, she said.
“We have done our best, of course, to try to stop them but we’re not always effective and we just need more help. We need more boots on the ground.
“We need the fence, we need the UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) in the sky and we need more patrols,” she said.
Brewer contends that the Obama administration does not want to end illegal immigration.
“The federal government and President Obama simply do not want to secure our border for various different reasons.
“It’s unfortunate, because we all know that it’s election time and they believe allowing illegal immigration to take place will help them get people registered and help them have voters out there come the election.”
She said she was outraged when the president said in May that Republicans would not be satisfied with efforts to curb illegal immigration until there was a fence with a moat stocked with alligators to keep them out.
“It’s unfortunate that our president has to make it a joke — that he has to make it funny,” Brewer said. “It’s a serious issue and it’s no laughing matter.
“I resented it and I thought it was very, very disrespectful to the citizens of Arizona and certainly disrespectful to America. This is a serious issue, a serious problem, and it’s their responsibility. After all, we are a nation of laws who believe in the rule of law and the law ought to be enforced and they’re not doing their job.”
Brewer titled her book after a comment that an admirer wrote to describe her toughness. “Jan Brewer Eats Scorpions for Breakfast.”
In her book she wrote, “I guess it was meant to be flattering. I guess it was meant to portray me as tough. But even if you’re tough enough to start your day with a meal of deadly poisonous insects, it’s not something you particularly want to do. You don’t seek it out. You do it because there’s no other honorable action.”
She subtitled the book, "My Fight Against Special Interests, Liberal Media, and Cynical Politicos to Secure America's Border," and she said she continues to get little help from Washington, even from her predecessor in Phoenix, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.
“It appears to me that she has really changed her direction from what she believes ought to be done on our borders since she has become Homeland Secretary,” Brewer said. “Bottom line is she is following directions from the federal government and collectively they do not want our borders secured.”
When asked whether she agrees with Napolitano’s statement that the borders are now more secure than ever, she replied, “Absolutely not. She can say all that she wishes, we all know in the state of Arizona that that simply isn’t happening.”
She said people only have to ask the families of farmer Robert Krentz who was shot dead on his ranch in March, 2010 after radioing that he had come across an immigrant on his property or border agent Brian Terry, who was murdered in the state nine months later.
She said she was “devastated and outraged” when she heard that Terry had been killed by guns bought under the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ Operation Fast and Furious.
“All the time we are sitting here in Arizona fighting to get our borders secure and being told by our federal government that the borders are secure, that they are doing everything in their power to help us and then we find out that they are doing everything, including shipping guns south of the border.
“It was horrible, it was horrific and someone absolutely needs to be held accountable,” she said.
Brewer said she respects Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s contention that there is no need for a fence all the way along his state’s border.
“Gov. Perry has done a pretty good job of securing the borders down in Texas. If he doesn’t believe he needs more fences, that’s a decision he and his constituents have to decide.
“We in Arizona believe strongly that we need a border fence, and we need it secured — and we need it now.”
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