Question: Is it normal for your thyroid to atrophy when taking thyroid replacement medication? If so, how does that affect your thyroid function?
Dr. Brownstein's Answer:
If you take too much thyroid medication, the thyroid gland will atrophy and become smaller. However, it is not normal for this to occur.
Doses of thyroid hormone should provide enough thyroid replacement to make the patient feel well without inhibiting the natural stimulation to the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is stimulated by TSH, a hormone released from the pituitary gland in the brain. If you are taking too much thyroid hormone, TSH may be suppressed. A simple blood test can reveal this.
My dosing of thyroid hormone has declined over the years as I have found thyroid disease responds to correcting nutritional and hormonal imbalances. Reversing these imbalances allows for much lower dosing. Finally, ensuring adequate iodine levels will lower or sometimes replace the need for using thyroid hormone.
There are no reported side-effects from all natural thyroids. Since it is an all-natural thyroid supplement , the chances of experiencing a side-effect is very low.