Thursday, April 29, 2010

3 Reasons Barley's Back

What whole grain has promoted weight loss for 2,500 years? That would be barley! Though the name may remind you of farms and horses, barley is actually a chewy grain with a rich, nutty taste. (And you may already be consuming more barley than you realize—it's used as an ingredient in beer! Unfortunately, this liquid version of barley won't help you lose any weight.)
Here are three reasons to go for the barley:

1. It's extremely high in dietary fiber, which not only helps keep you regular, but can also lower cholesterol levels.

2. Studies have shown that eating high-fiber foods like barley can help reduce risk of heart disease.

3. The fiber in barley can also help keep blood sugar levels from getting too high.

You can buy barley already packaged or in bulk containers at your local supermarket or health food store. Cook up some barley as a hot cereal in place of oatmeal, mix it into soup for some extra nuttiness or use it to bake healthy muffins or breads.

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