Friday, April 30, 2010

5 Heart-Healthy (But Still Delicious) Snacks

Skip the drive-through. Ignore the vending machine. These snacks will fill you up without adding to your waistline.

1. Vegetables dipped in hummus.

Fresh vegetables are low in calories and have many antioxidants, and hummus is a great alternative protein without saturated fat.

2. Fruit skewered on a stick with a little dark chocolate for dipping.

The antioxidants in fruit fight cancer and heart disease, and the flavanols in dark chocolate fight heart disease.

3. Half a cantaloupe filled with fat-free cottage cheese, a dash of cinnamon and some berries.

The cantaloupe and berries have antioxidants, and the fat-free cottage cheese fills you up with protein and no saturated fat.

4. Fat-free yogurt with fruit and a sprinkle of nuts.

The protein in the yogurt satisfies, and the antioxidants from the fruit and protein from the nuts keep you healthy and hunger-free.

5. Smoothies with silken tofu and berries, plus a dash of grape or pomegranate juice.

Tofu is a great alternative protein source, and the berries, grape juice and pomegranate juice are high in heart-healthy antioxidants.

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