Monday, April 26, 2010

The vitamins you take everyday could one day become illegal.

The vitamins you take everyday could one day become illegal.
In fact, just a few months ago, Congress considered a new bill. It would’ve given the FDA power to take away any vitamin or natural supplement of its choosing.

Luckily it didn’t pass – this time. But you can be sure they’ll try again.

After all, the FDA has banned safe, natural alternatives in the past. It challenges your right to make choice about your own body.

Consider this…

Health Sciences Institute (H.S.I.) is an international agency that scours the world for the best “underground” cures and “forbidden” breakthroughs. You haven’t seen these natural healing discoveries anywhere else.

H.S.I’s team of enlightened doctors and researchers is out there fighting to bring these innovations in natural healing to health-conscious people like you. That’s why I’ve been a board member for more than 10 years.

And there have been some remarkable findings.

For instance, H.S.I. was one of the first to report about a new pain therapy. It was a blanket made out of a remarkable new “pain-blocking” fabric. A number of studies proved how effective it was at stopping pain.

In one study, fibromyalgia patients were hospitalized for 20 days. One group got a normal gown to wear at night. The other group got a gown made out of the special fabric. At the end of the study, the second group had significant reduction in pain.1

In another study on amputees, subjects wearing blankets made out of the new fabric greatly reduced their phantom limb pain.2 Phantom limb pain is the sensation that your leg hurts even though it’s been amputated.

There are plenty more studies. However, despite all the research and clinical evidence supporting this blanket’s ability to stop pain, the FDA banned it in 1998.

The reason?

Lack of “sufficient evidence to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness” of the new technology.

In addition to the clinical trials supporting it, the pain-blocking fabric had also earned enthusiastic endorsements from physicians, insurance agencies, and consumer groups.

Finally… six years later… this “forbidden” cure proved so powerful, the FDA lifted its ban.

Here’s the point: If the FDA banned something as harmless as a blanket… there’s no reason why they wouldn’t take similar actions with vitamins and natural supplements once a bill gives them the power to do so.

This is one of the reasons it’s so important to stay on top of what’s happening in alternative health. New therapies are being discovered all the time. The sooner you find out about them, the sooner you can reap the benefits – while it’s still legal.

That’s why I recommend you check out my colleagues at the Health Sciences Institute.

Along with me, they’re constantly on the cutting-edge when it comes to natural alternatives for everything from heart disease to diabetes to joint pain.
Al Sears, MD

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