Saturday, June 26, 2010

Can a Skim Latte Be Breakfast?

You've probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and very important if you want to lose weight. But what if you're just not a breakfast person?

You do have another option—you can drink your breakfast instead. If you enjoy some caffeine as a morning pick-me-up, you can count a large skim latte as a meal. Why? It's packed with protein and enough calcium to meet half your daily requirements. (Just don't go overboard by ordering a fatty, caloric muffin to go along with it!)

If you're not a coffee drinker, you can try the same thing with just milk and sugar-free flavored syrup. And go ahead—add a banana, fresh fruit or a handful of almonds to complete your morning "meal." You'll be satisfied—and caffeinated—all the way till lunchtime!

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