Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Statin side effects worse than thought

Remember how "well-tolerated" those cholesterol drugs were supposed to be? Turns out, not so much.

A new study in the British Medical Journal links statins to an alarming number of life-wrecking side effects, confirming the evidence that's been mounting for years: These meds will destroy everything from your muscles to your kidneys.

Researchers looked at records of 2 million patients in England and Wales, all between the ages of 30 and 84. Of those, 225,922 lost the drug lottery: They were new statin users.

I guess no one told them how unnecessary and dangerous these drugs are... so many of them had to find out the hard way.

The researchers say that for every 10,000 high-risk women treated with statins, there are 307 new cataract patients, 74 additional cases of liver dysfunction, 23 new cases of kidney failure, and 39 extra cases of myopathy--or those famous muscle problems that are among the most painful side effects of any drug.

High-risk men have similar numbers, but are much more likely to suffer from myopathy. The researchers estimate 110 extra cases of the condition.

The word "myopathy" can't begin to describe the pain if you've never experienced it yourself. Let me put it this way: It's not your run-of-the-mill muscle ache, and a little Ben-Gay won't make it disappear. In fact, it can be permanent.

Some of the people who suffer from it say the simplest movements can reduce them to tears of agony.

t really is that bad... and some statin users have an even higher risk of coming down with this condition. The researchers say black men have eight times the risk, women with type 1 diabetes have five times the risk, and women with type 2 diabetes have double the odds of myopathy.

The researchers also said that while the risks were highest in the first year, they could happen at any time during treatment, which is supposed to last for the rest of your life.

Don't expect to hear about any of this in your doctor's office!

It's maddening--because there are better, safer ways to control your cholesterol levels and lower your risk for cardiovascular problems, and it all begins with what you eat.

It's pretty simple: Swallow good food and you won't have to swallow these risky meds. Lose weight, get some steady movement and your cholesterol levels will come down on their own.

For an extra boost, add a fish oil supplement. Then, make a little room in your life for some plant sterols and a handful of nuts a day.

Do yourself and your body a favor: Do this the right way. Your eyes, muscles, liver and kidneys will thank you.

Big Pharma probably won't.

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