Monday, January 31, 2011

Protect Against Aluminum Dust

Question: I work in a factory that produces aluminum panels for airplanes, and the factory is full of aluminum dust. Will my body absorb aluminum through breathing and being around this dust?

Dr. Blaylock's Answer:

Yes, aluminum dust is readily absorbed by the lungs and also through the nasal lining (mucosa), and enters the brain via the olfactory nerves in the nose.

In the past, in an attempt to prevent silicosis in silica miners, officials would set off aluminum dust “bombs” in the mine, thinking that the inhaled aluminum would prevent silica lung damage (pulmonary silicosis). Unfortunately, those bombs destroyed the health of the miners, many of whom eventually became demented.

I would suggest wearing a high-filtration mask when working in that area. Magnesium and many of the flavonoids, such as curcumin, hesperidin, and ellagic acid, can counteract a good deal of aluminum toxicity.

A powerful new aluminum-chelating agent called Feralex-G is awaiting Food and Drug Administration approval. In tests, it has been shown to be very safe and can be taken orally.

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