Thursday, March 11, 2010

More On The Same Irritating Politician I Wrote About...

Hi all, I want to tell you what is driving me crazy... I just need to vent, I am not much of a complainer and I don't like to be negative at all... But I am really getting un-nerved about the over playing of Meg Whitman's negative, slamming commercials... They are driving me batty and making me dislike her even more each time they play. I started out really liking this woman until she started running for Governor of the state of California. I don't like to dislike anyone but she has pressed my buttons. First of all due to her hypocritical reasons that she states she wants to bring jobs back to Calif., and in the same instance sent jobs away thru eBay her company, to other Countries, her own company. Secondly due to she has such critical commercials regarding Steve Poizner ( or how ever he spells it ) I am not a fan of his but I am getting disgusted in how many negative and over played commercials Meg Whitman has running on him! Why doesn't she just have commercials that state what she really wants to do for Calif.,. And leave out the job thing because we know she's lying about that one. What California needs is a truthful down to earth politician who actually does what they say and means what he or she says. Isn't that a idea that someone actually needs to come up with in the political field, HONESTY?? Can they really mean it and tell the truth?? We can't seem to get it right. We all seem to vote on the wrong politicians and the one's who would actually do the best job get cheated out of their positions and we let it happen. I just don't get the dishonesty in Politics, It's disgusting! I would love to run for a political position. I could not be bought by the smell of money, I have morals and heart felt obligations to people and this world around us. I could get it right, maybe I should start going to the city council meetings and get this started. I just wish the politicians running right now would get it together and quit lying and harassing each other and do some good for our country and the states around each one of us. Maybe if we all get together and we do complain and catch them in their lies and confront them, we can get some good to come out of this. I also know that we need to pay attention to the good politicians around us like Ralph Nader, he has been around since I was a child and he has always been doing good things but people don't pay attention to him why!! I don't understand how we don't seem to see what is good for us and how come we don't use the people who seem to be doing the most good around us. Why do the politicians always have to do the back stabbing. Why can't we just help one another and do good things for each other. It is time to make a change for the best. I say we get to that right now and start helping each other today and always. Take time to help your neighbor and the one's around you. You might find you will start a chain of good events, one person helping another person etc... What a concept huh? People helping people, it can happen, start and see what you can do. Smile and the world will smile back and it is infectious. We can do good in this world, let's give it a try, what do you say?? Thanks for your time and for listening, take care all!!

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