Wednesday, August 25, 2010

4 Vices That Are Good For You

We all have those nasty habits that we just can’t shake. However, it turns out that some of those vices can actually be beneficial to your health.

Take eating chocolate for example. Since we were kids, we’ve always been told that eating sweets is bad for you. This isn’t completely true. Chocolate, dark chocolate in particular, can actually lower the risk of heart disease when eaten in moderation. Especially Chocolate that is 70% or higher in Dark CoaCoa is the best in Antioxidents for your body.

Playing Hooky
While it is never good to skip too many days of work, studies show that a 24-hour respite from work is enough to relieve stress and lower blood pressure. So don’t hesitate to call in sick and take a day off because that day can help you improve your mood and productivity for the rest of the week.

Drinking Coffee
Lets face it, most of us need that early morning cup of joe to kick-start our day. Well that cup of coffee actually does more than just bring you out of that early morning fog. Coffee, without too much of the extra syrups and whipped creams, can actually lower risk of heart disease, reduce the risk of getting certain cancers and increase workout endurance.

Getting Massages
Massages, though sometimes expensive, are actually very beneficial. Not only do they reduce pain, but they also improve feelings of depression, anxiety and anger. Dr. Alice Domar explained to Health Magazine, “In general, people who are touched regularly are healthier.”

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