Saturday, August 21, 2010

Things Worldly Women Should Know About The Opposite Sex

Tired of reading studies that say men and women are basically incompatible in communication style? Well, we are here to tell you that the opposite sexes are more similar than you think. If you “date smart,” you will see that men and women basically want the same things. See! There is hope!

Relationship Advice: Get Picky
As cliché as it sounds, just because you meet Mr. Right-Now, doesn’t mean he is Mr. Right. The same goes for men; men may be notorious playboys but settle down happily with a Betty Crocker type. Men understand and respect you more when you are picky, as opposed to just trying to rope in any man that will give you the time of day.

Relationship Advice: Keep the Right Happiness Ratio
We try to explain this to our single girlfriends all the time; a guy may be perfect on paper now, but he is not going to fulfill all your needs five years from now. And that’s ok. People should be evolving. If that means that 20 percent of the relationship isn’t to your liking, at least the other 80 percent of it is! Keep things in perspective instead of giving up on a guy when he gets cranky if he can’t watch baseball.

Relationship Advice: Learn Togetherness—and When to Separate
While every man is different, most guys we know like to have lots of alone time. Learn how to do things by yourself as much as possible. You don’t need to drag your boyfriend around to everything you do. Enjoying someone else’s company is about quality not quantity. If you can’t be alone, go out for cocktails with your girlfriends or volunteer with children. Give your man some space! If you are suspicious that he’s doing something bad, get out now and work on learning how to trust.

Relationship Advice: Find Your Inner Glinda the Good Witch
Be good to yourself. Make yourself happy. Take yourself out on dates, lavish yourself with flowers, meet yourself at the gym. Treat yourself like a goddess! When you can effectively feel good sans a man, the right man often comes a courting.

Relationship Advice: Prep for the Head Vs. Heart Battle
And in the end, go with what your heart says. Men always enjoy a passionate woman who goes with her heart and not what society expects out of her.

Relationship Advice: Have Fun in the Now!
If you really want to get a guy angry, start talking about his exes and comparing yourself. There is a reason they are an “ex” and not a girlfriend or wife now. Don’t dwell on his past (or yours), don’t expect things from the future, just have fun right now. Do you have an internal script? Crash your emotional hard-drive. We swear. You and your man will be so much happier.

Relationship Advice: Make Sure You’re Smiling
This should be simple; happiness attracts happiness. If you can’t be happy in a relationship, you should figure out whether the relationship is for you. It doesn’t have to be perky, fake happiness either; we understand that sometimes life is hard. But an overall sense of contentment is what you should be aiming for.

Relationship Advice: Consider All Your Options
Our grandma always said, “If you aren’t married, you’re single.” Of course, her version of single was a lot different from the modern standards of single but her sentiment is right. If you aren’t in love and attached, hang out with other men. It doesn’t even have to be a date. It just helps you figure out what you want.

Relationship Advice: Embrace the New Face of Dating
There is nothing wrong with online dating. Hey, you’re online, aren’t you? Meeting guys from the internet is fun if you go into it with the right attitude. It helps you meet people you wouldn’t normally meet and expand your possibilities.

Relationship Advice: Most Important, Relax
Life always works out for the best when you relax and have fun. A gentleman may have gotten away today, but tomorrow you will meet your future husband. You could never have met him if you were sitting at home pining. Stop going into every date with an agenda; just relax!

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