Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Five Natural Cures For A Broken Heart

Robert Spuhler // Staff Writer
He or she is gone, and isn’t coming back. We all know that feeling, but what is almost as bad is what comes next: The sleepless nights, the lack of energy, the anxiety. While no magical elixir will cure your heart-ache, we do know how to treat all the side effects. Here are five ways to cure the additional problems that come on due to a broken heart:

1. Insomnia: With thoughts of him or her running through your mind, it’s no wonder you can’t sleep. So try a glass of lavender or chamomile tea, as both have sedating properties.

2. Nausea: His or her name make you sick? Try ginger. Mild cases can be solved using ginger ale (that’s why mom used to give you ginger ale and saltines when you were sick as a kid), while heavy duty nausea might need ginger capsules.

3. Mental Lethargy: If people keep telling you to “snap out of it,” then snapping into some vegetables can do the trick. Mental clarity can often come back to diet, so make sure you are eating right.

4. Fatigue: If you always feel tired, make sure you’re getting enough rest. But if that doesn’t solve it, ginseng can put that extra pep in your step, and it’s easier on your system than massive amounts of caffeine.

5. Anxiety: Feeling constantly nervous? How about some poppy seeds? Poppy has calming and anti-inflammatory qualities. Just make sure you’re not taking a drug test at work any time soon; the poppy seed can cause false positives in drug testing for opium.

What do you do when your heart is broken?

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