Thursday, November 18, 2010

Are Trans Fats Safe to Eat?

Though many of us crave fried food now and then, we all know that they're bad for us for a big reason: Many restaurants still fry their foods in trans fats. What makes trans fats—when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil—so harmful? Consuming them is linked to serious health problems like heart disease and diabetes—not to mention weight gain and obesity.

Trans fats are also found in such packaged supermarket goods as breads and desserts, as well as packaged foods that list "partially hydrogenated" on their labels.

How can you still enjoy the foods you crave without worrying about the ill effects of trans fats? If you're buying breads and desserts, choose the ones that are freshly baked, and go for baked or broiled foods in restaurants rather than fried. Your heart and waistline will thank you.

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