Thursday, November 18, 2010

Survive 4 Stinky Situations

It happens to all of us, but knowing that doesn’t make it any less embarrassing. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we suddenly realize our breath is making people back away or we forgot to apply deodorant while getting dressed. Here are four common, yet mortifying, smell-related mishaps that you can get under control – hopefully before anyone notices.

1. Bad breath

With mistletoe season right around the corner, be sure to clean up your diet and cut out smoking. The combination of sugar and dairy is one of the worst pairings for your breath, says Dr. Harold Katz, the author of "The Bad Breath Bible." (During the holidays, eggnog is one of the worst breath offenders.) Some medications and illnesses can make your breath stink, so ask your doctor or dentist to review your diet and prescriptions. If you find yourself needing a quick fix, sugarless gum with xylitol will increase salivation and prevent bacteria. Also, the flavoring in cinnamon gum will also decrease the bacteria in your mouth. A cup of green tea will keep stinky bacteria from hanging around your mouth, as will a serving of plain, sugar-free.

2. Stinky feet

Suddenly stinky feet could be due to too-tight shoes or those made from synthetic materials. Ripe-smelling feet and shoes can be remedied by ensuring that feet are washed and dried completely at least once a day and after exercising. Moisture wicking sprays and powders can help both the feet and the shoes. If shoes get wet, leave them in a well-ventilated area to dry. Buy leather or natural-fiber shoes and cotton socks to prevent future epidodes.

3. Gassy situation

No matter where you are, having to pass gas is embarrassing – and it happens to everyone at one time or another. If you’re in a social setting, avoid eating too much, as passing food and drinks through your mouth and swallowing will create more gas in your belly. Also, avoid foods that perpetrate gassiness – fresh vegetables, beans, and wheat products. If you must eat, try smaller bites. Tight clothing will only make your belly situation worse, so wear something loose – if you have the option ahead of time.

4. Deodorant mishap

It’s like brushing your teeth – you never leave the house without doing it. But somehow you find yourself out and about … and deodorant-free. If you’re in a bind and can’t dip into a drug store, find a restroom and wash your armpits with soap and water. If you happen to be at a restaurant that serves sea salt (regular table salt won’t work well), use some to make a paste with water and apply to your armpits, which is believed to cut down on bacteria. Meanwhile, steer clear of bold spices, caffeine, and any foods that make you sweat – like garlic or onions.

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